Thursday, January 07, 2010

New York, New York

We had a mavelous time on our Christmas present trip to NYC!

Direct flight out of New Orleans - had some problems getting our limo out of the airport but nothing major.

Checked into the Marriott Marquis in Time Square and went out into the very blustery, snow flurries and looked in amazement at all that there is.

It's too big to describe.

New York City is just too awesome to put into words. It's more of EVERYTHING!

On the Island of Manhattan, there are 1.8 million residents and who knows how many visitors on a given day. It's 13 miles long and 2 miles wide and everything just goes up, Up, UP!!!

We went all over - didn't do all the touristy things, but we got a good overview of the whole island.

It's just so much that 4 days don't do it justice.

We will certainly go back. I hope. Many times.

Life just seems so very large in New York. I can't imagine living there or working there. It is like a video game or something, everything is just larger than life.

And the people were so very nice. Everyone we came in contact with was so helpful and had a great attitude. Even the street vendors in Chinatown that were trying to sell you all the rip-off designer lable stuff. A tad persistent in their presentations but nice anyway!

The odd thing was when we got back and it was colder here than up there. And it was real damn cold up there!

Anyway, it was a great way to start the new year and I'm sure that 2010 will be the best year ever because it certainly started off that way.



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