Daydream Believer
When I was a little kid, whenever I'd watch historical stuff on television or at the movies, I couldn't help but inject a little modern life into it.
Of course, at my age, modern life meant pretty much World War 2 stuff.
Take for instance, what would have happened at the battle of the Alamo in Texas in 1836 if our boys had a few M1 - 50 caliber machine guns. Say one each on the north and south walls and 2 each on the east and west walls. How do you think the Mexicans would have faired with their 7000 troops against our 182 men?
What if there had been a tank or two at the grand battles in The Lord of the Rings?
So next time you're feeling helplessly trapped in a historical drama - feel free to borrow my ploy and just imagine what if.......
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