Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Wife is Amazing

One of my wife's best friends died last week. That's her on the far left in the picture. Her name was Alicia and she was an amazing person.

Alicia worked for my wife for serveral years until she got too sick to work. She was on her third round of breast cancer, which is an incidious disease.

She beat it twice but the third time, it was just too much. It spread to her brain and to her skin and bless her heart.........it was simply horrible.

This past weekend, she was laid to rest. And she deserved her rest more than anyone I can ever remember.

And she was laid to rest in an elaborate ceremony.

She was black........which means that it is very different from a cultural perspective. And for those of us that were there, it was an amazing celebration.

I wish I was black sometimes so I could claim some of that because it is just so cool to me - but alas, I'm a lily white boy!

My beautiful, amazing wife stood up to speak for her friend at the funeral. Now there were many speakers and some were wonderful.........but my wife was quite simply amazing.

Her heartfelt eulogy was the best I've ever heard. She not only maintained her emotions which I know were way out of hand, she also remained dignified and classy while doing it. She brought humor, love and very important spiritual points to bear in a presentation that just blew me away.

I know that I love this woman and almost everything she is and does is amazing to me - but this was simply graceful and so full of love that it left me in tears.

I wish I could let her know how special she is to so many people. What a rare gift she is for all of us.

Yet each time I do, I am minimized because "I see her through rose-colored glasses" as she says.

Well, the truth is the truth.

My woman is amazing and I love her so much.

Merry Christmas Baby.


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