Thursday, October 05, 2006

Calling All Rodents

"Houston, we have a problem".

Several weeks ago we found mice signs. Little holes in the bread wrappers. Those telltale droppings that look like sprinkles for cupcakes. Simply brazen behavior which drew the attention of my beloved.

So she demanded that we "do something".

As I was at the store buying mice trapping stuff, she called, whispering in the phone (I guess so the mouse wouldn't be alerted) "I have the mouse trapped - hurry up". So I hurried home to find that she had bravely "tree-ed" the mouse behind the wine fridge and was guarding it with a broom. And as I violently shook the wine keeper to dislodge the offender, it bolted out on her side and she slapped the broom on it. It was at that point that I brought all of my weight to bear on said broom and ended the reign of terror.

It was a very happy day. Ding Dong, the mouse was dead!!!

So we brought the bread back into the break keeper on the counter and everything returned to normal.

But being a seasoned mouser, I was well aware that where there is one - there are more. Always more - I just didn't mention that.

So I set the little sticky traps out around the wine fridge (inconspiculously) and waited. Sure enough, there was a dead mouse a week or so later. I just threw it out and put down another trap.

Nothing for a while. Not even any mice signs. Then the wonderful second-grader noticed this weekend that there was a dead mouse in the trap. I played it down and said "don't tell mommy because she's scared of mice" and we both agreed and shook hands that it would be our little secret.

So how good do you think seven year-old's can keep a secret?

Yep, I got busted yesterday.

So I now hunt the mice in the open with the full knowledge of everyone around.

So pray for me my skills as a hunter and if you have any great mice trapping secrets, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Blogger Cup said...

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11:15 AM  
Blogger Cup said...

I'm impressed with the brave Beloved. I would have moved out immediately upon spying the first "cupcake sprinkle."

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be glad to help you. I killed my second snake (this one on the carport) this moring, in a dress, before I came to work... I ain't skeered.

1:52 PM  
Blogger Old Lady said...

I'm sorry, I can't do it. I let my cats do it. To me that is fair. I have one cat that sits in the garage for hours waiting for the wood rats and everyonce in a while he catches one. He earns his keep.

2:10 PM  

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