Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Did you hear the one about the guy that hiked all the way up to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God?

He finally makes it and just so happens that God is there (behind the bush again).

“God, what does a million years mean to you”, the man asked?

The Lord replies, “a minute”.

“God, what does a million dollars mean to you”, the man asked?

The Lord replies, “a penny”.

“Can I have a penny”, the man asks?

The Lord replies, “in a minute”.

Have you ever noticed how incredibly important perspective is in our lives? How what is important to us may not matter one iota to anyone else?

Well, that is key #47 to understanding how to live a happy life.

The ability to separate what is important to you from what everyone else may think is very important. But even more important may be that we be able to keep all of that in perspective.

The things most important to you, really may not matter to anyone else. And as much as you may think that sucks, that’s just the way it is.

It’s dreadfully important to be able to understand that someone that believes so fervently in something may actually hate you if you don’t believe the same thing. (See “Muslim Extremists”)

It’s nothing short of the polarization of our society.

You see it in elections, how 50.2% of the people vote one way and 49.8% of the people vote the other and the divide seems so great.

Where is the voice of reason in our world today? Where is the virtue of moderation where we all learn, not only to get along but also to respect the other person’s perspective?

It’s sad to me. Not trying to make a point here, it’s just sad that it has come to this.

I truly wake up each day expecting this to be the day where we all come to some kind of understanding, but prejudice and ignorance seem to be the watch-words of the day.

Rush Limberger preaches from a pulpit of absolute certainty and yet I listen to him from time to time and wonder where he gets his stuff from? As an intelligent person, I find it amazingly stupid that he can spout half-truths and seem to be certain that they are right. That life is truly black and white with no room for the “libs” or the “drive-by-media” in any discussion. Only the intelligent are able to grasp the truth as Rush sees it.


The difference in Fox News and MSNBC is amazingly clear.

But life is truly lived in the middle somewhere.

Life is not “fair and balanced”.

I feel a rant coming on, so I’m bailing out.

I hope everyone is having a good day.

If not, please don’t let it be because other people don’t agree with your point of view. Be confident enough in yourself to tell them to kiss your ass.



Blogger Old Lady said...


8:06 PM  

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