Monday, October 09, 2006

Lovin' Life Largely

Thinking of love today.

Amazing subject, isn’t it?

Sometimes we are so involved with life that we don’t see what’s going on around us. We are slaves to our moods and our desires and our preconceived notions of how we think things should work in our lives and the lives of those around us.

I like to think I have risen above all of that – and for the most part, I really have. I don’t know when it happened or how it happened but at some point in my life, I realized that what I think I want doesn’t have anything to do with reality.

So I just let it go.

And I can honestly tell you that it has made all the difference in the world in my life.

To take that thought even further, I found that the frustrations that I got from things not going my way were the biggest obstacle I had in being happy.

It’s always amazing how it’s the simple things that make the biggest difference.

I am in a relationship with a wonderful girl. And I truly love her with all my heart. I promise you that I love her so much more than even she realizes, and it makes me smile – all the time.

It makes me so happy to know that no matter what happens in life, the most basic need that we all have is met in my own life.

To love and to be loved is the one thing that dictates how happy our lives are.

Some may argue that point, and I’ll listen – it’s just that in my heart and in my mind I know the truth of my convictions and I’ll stand by that until I draw my last breath.

You see, my girl is a special girl.

I know that she will say that she’s just a regular girl, full of regular girl frailties and faults and it’s only because I love her that I think she’s special.

And she’s right.

That’s the whole point, isn’t it?

I do love her, therefore she is special.

I see all of her actions, reactions, and all the stuff that goes with life through the filter of me loving her. Which softens all the hard edges and makes everything seem wonderful.

And I couldn’t ask for anything else.

Well, I guess I could ask for it, but realistically I know it would never be forthcoming.

She has moments where she doesn’t feel she treats me as well as she should. And that makes her feel bad. Well I have moments where I don’t feel I treat her as well as I think I should.

I think we all have those moments. So what?

At the end of the day, I feel like the luckiest boy in the world. I struggle to find ways to let her know that it doesn’t matter what happens, that I was born to love her and will do that to the best of my ability until the day I die. And at that point, I’m sure there will be another way for me to love her that I’m not aware of yet. And I’ll start on that road and love her for all eternity.

And on the off chance that the Buddhists and Hindu’s are right and we get to do it over and over again until we get it right, well then I will be reborn and love her even better in the next life.

And yet, it’s hard to share that with someone in a manner in which they understand. It may not be logical to understand that you are with the person you were meant to be with and nothing will ever come between you and the one you are joined at the soul with. But logic be damned, my heart leads me onward.

So maybe I just tried again and maybe she’ll read this and understand.

I love you Paige. More than you know. More than you can possibly understand. And I wish this for all the world.

And I hope your migraine goes bye-bye soon.



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