Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thursday the 13th!!!

I guess that Thursday the 13th is no big deal but Friday the 13th is horrible?

Some things I just don't understand..............

But I learned a long time ago that I don't have to understand something for it to be a thing.

Today, I am going to see my neurosurgeon and let him take x-rays of all my back hardware so he can make sure that it's all in the right place.

I'm hoping to have the OK to go forth and hurt myself at the gym.

I can't believe how F-A-T I am. I realized, early on, in this surgical thing that I was going to be limited in what I could do. What I didn't count on is that the other side of that is what I WANT to do.

I go through the day, living with the pain of being cut open and rebuilt, and when it's over - I don't have the strength or will power to do anything about it.

Well, that has to change.

I have way too much pride in myself to let this go on any more. I'm not sure what I'm going to do but I do know that I will do SOMETHING.

I went to the gym and rejoined, paid a year in advance and am ready to get back to it. I order a new swim suit (Dear Beloved Wife will just die so I can't let her see me in it) and I hope to be back in the water by next week.

I've got the rowing machine out under the new patio and just need to get some electricity to it so I can get going on that. I've got a bike to ride but that still hurts too much to do that regularly yet.

So I'm almost ready to start - now all I have to do is to start. And that's the hard part.

But I'm resolved and I'll figure it out and do it. I'll have to change some of my schedules to make it work. I'm debating on the real freakin' early in the morning or the after 7pm thing for the gym and honestly don't know which I want to do.

History tells me that in the morning is the bestest time because there are too many excuses in the evening. But if that's going to happen, I'm going to have to get to bed much earlier than I normally do.

And that's a problem since I need to let my love get to sleep before me - apparently I make monster sounds while breathing at night that somehow precludes her from going to sleep!!!

So pray for me. I'm going to have to stop eating for a while again. Not sure how that will work either - but like I said, I'm committed to this so there is nothing to do but to do it.

So off I go.



Blogger Julie said...

Don't stop eating until after Christmas. It's just too hard. After Christmas, you can join the rest of us who are going to stop eating and head back to the gym!

12:58 PM  
Blogger Sid said...

I have a recipe for a sleep-aid that your love may want to try. It has helped me sleep through war, pestilence, turmoil, and some parts of my marriage.

Let's see. How do that recipe go... Hmmm... Oh yeah:

In a tall glass, place several ice cubes. Add several cups of Evan Williams (White Label is my preference). Then serve. The glass and ice cubes are optional and may nto be used in an emergency.

It may also help with postsurgical back pain, but I have no firsthand experience to speak from.

It also cures inhibitions, shyness, and helps white people dance. It has been claimed that this sleep-aid recipe can cure most anything and help ugly people have sex. Again, I have no firsthand knowledge of this issue. There are some who suspect that are friend KK has been using this on our friend PK to have relations. I doubt this. As I understand it, PK is having trouble getting to sleep so it is obvious to me that KK is not using a sleep-aid romance drug recipe.

7:19 PM  
Blogger Rookie Mama said...

ack- now you know why RD and I sleep in separate rooms!

I have to go to sleep first. Which means I would have to go to bed at 7pm.

I just can not do it.

I completely understand PK's dilemna.

7:57 AM  

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