Monday, January 23, 2006

Peas in a Pod?

Love thrives on differences............(or) Expectations lead to suicide............News at 10.

I was thinking of expectations. About our views on "how life is supposed to be lived", guides our perspective on how things work out.

What a road to ruin. One of my secrets to life that I cling to, is that I somehow have to turn off what I think I want and just be responsible for how I feel about what happens during the day. I truly have control of my reaction to events in my life but I have very little control over the events themselves.

The more you plan, the more those plans will be changed by someone else. You can take that to the bank!

And the most important thing in each of our lives are relationships. I know that they sometimes get pushed to the back burner because we're all so busy at work and doing all the things we have found to occupy our time. But relationships are the cornerstone of each life - and how we view and participate in those relationships sets the tone for everything else.

Trust me on that. It's one of the universal truths that are not up for debate.

I see all kinds of relationships because I am a student of people. I love to watch and wonder what is going on in someone's head. And I am constantly amazed at the things I see.

What I witness so often is people who have expectations and live by the reward system. Expectations of receiving - in exact measures - the degree of love or services that they give.

I like to call this the "tit for tat" philosophy of life. It doesn't work very well. I know, I tried it.

Life just doesn't work like that nor should we grade ourselves on that curve. Love, true love, is given freely and without strings attached. It is never weighed and dispensed in equal measures nor should it be. That would remove the "give and take" that is necessary for something to grow.

Tension is always needed for growth. It can't be helped.

We all enter into relationships with different histories and different persepectives. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. A great relationship is one of the giving and taking of those qualities.

This way, those differences are the very thing that unite two people in a relationship that has great meaning for both parties.

It is part of the wonder of love that people can be united hopelessly, madly and totally in love -and that they can still follow their own path and have that path strenthened and nourished.

I love my life. I hope you love yours too. So here's to misunderstanding that lead us to the truth in our hearts.


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