Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What Is Your Favorite Curse Word And Why Did St. Peter Just Say It?

I love watching the actor's studio show on BRAVO. That James Lipton, wow is he energetic......

OK, so maybe not.

But the show is insightful and probing. He somehow lulls the participants into some sort of mind control trance which he probably appropriated on the trip back to his home planet and they end up answering all of his questions in interesting ways.

Then he gets to the end and he asks the two most looked forward two questions on the planet.

#1: What is your favorite curse word and why?

#2: Assuming there is a Heaven, what do you want to hear St. Peter say upon your arrival?

And since I have been cussing lots today and somehow thinking about either dying myself (very doubtful) or killing someone (kind of likely) I thought I would try to answer those and invite you to respond with your own.

(Paige..........Sweetie..............this means you may have to respond in this blog.)

My favorite cuss word is FUCK. There, I said it. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. It can be used as a noun or a verb or an adjective or even an adverb. It can be a southern conjunction and it can, even in the worst of times, be con-jew-gated.

How can you not love a word like that?

And as far as the St. Peter thing is concerned. I'm thinking what I will hear is this: "You were just like me". "Always boasting and being loud so no one could possibly miss you". "Always raising your hand and volunteering to do things yourself because you didn't want to ask for help".

Um, well, sir...........(as I clear my throat and shuffle my feet).

"Shut up, I'm not finished and I didn't tell you to speak anyway". "Well I'm glad to see that you finally got yours and now here you stand in front of me".

I'm not sure what to say, sir.

"Damn you, I've already told you to shut up - how many times do I have to say it before you get it through your thick skull"?

"Anyway, before you spend eternity pondering your mistakes there is only one really important thing I want to tell you".


I look forward to hearing from you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, that's it sweetie...no more Sopranos for you.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Rookie Mama said...

My favorite- I just learned from the freakin' hilarious movie "The Man".

Fuck Crying Out Loud.

He says if you say Crying Out Loud every time you say the word Fuck, It will turn into For Crying Out Loud before you know it. haha give it a try-
say Fuck Crying Out Loud 10 times.

I think this is how we are gonna train ourselves to not say FUCK FUCK FUCK around the baby all of the time.

She is already saying ASS when I call someone an ass... like when I was saying what an ass Eddie can be sometimes... she said ASS! (Just kidding... I was talking about someone else- oh, it was that guy on the Apprentice show- the one with the foreign accent. He is an ass. Talk about another tv show that you would never wanna be on...)

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the Sopranos are rotting your brain with their language. :) That show is SO SAD but compelling, I know.

I love to say anything with a combination of 'hell' in it. HELL NO! What the HELL? I only pull out the F-word if I'm very seriously angry and flying off the handle or trying to make a point of how serious I am about something. I am such a girl.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reckon the best substitute I've heard recently is, "Get the FEMA outta here"!

9:15 AM  

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