Friday, November 17, 2006

Political Rap

I haven’t commented on the election yet. And I think that is because my jubilation at the results are being tempered by the reality that the Democrats won’t be any better than the Republicans.

We need something different and I’m just afraid that the Democrats don’t have the political will to do what needs to be done.

We have to do some reforms so that the “for sale” politics that have been so prevalent since the Republican Revolution in ’94 won’t be repeated. But politicians have shown over the years their reluctance to rock the boat where there own pocketbooks are concerned.

It’s like who’s in charge has the keys to the kingdom and they make hay while the sun is shining. Then everyone gets sick of it and it catches up with them at the polls.

It’s an endless cycle.

And I’m sick of it.

That’s why I’m on the Obama train. Let’s elect a guy that has so little experience in the shit that he doesn’t know how to work it and can maybe do something that is right instead of something that is politically expedient.

Then maybe the Republicans will realize that their “ways” of the past few decades where they sold their souls to the religious right were stupid and maybe they can get back to being the party of less government and lower taxes.

But I doubt it. I have very little faith that anything in DC will ever be as it should be. The system seems to corrupt even the most optimistic and idealistic people that go there hoping to do some good.

Terms limits would cure all of that, I think, but I don’t ever expect to see that on the table. I just don’t see how they could vote to remove themselves from office. I think what that would take would be for every incumbent to be kicked out of office and have all new people in – and we all know that would never happen.

I think we like to think that “our” representatives and senators are good and the problem lies elsewhere. But the doo-doo is everywhere. We’re all in the shit. And it stinks.

So I will watch interestingly at the dance as it starts next year. I’ll check in on Rush and Hannity every once in a while to see how irritated they are and I’ll continue to watch Keith Olberman to see what’s real in a non-fair and balanced way………

Pray for our country.

Or maybe we should all move to Amsterdam, light up and drop out. Some days that sounds pretty darned good.


Blogger Old Lady said...

The past week has been pretty quiet. What is funny is seeing who changes their tune-even though it I don't like him, I have less respect for GW now because he dumped Rumsfeld. Why do I feel that way. If a person believes in another they don't dump them in stormy waters. GW has no faith in his own staff. Am I glad Rumsfeld is gone, yes. A true leader supports his staff, guides them, he leads, without fear of reprisal, that is what we need. Someone with conviction, balls, common sense, a GAF attitude, no more bullshit.

10:56 PM  

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