Sunday, July 23, 2006

Perception IS Reality

Perception is reality? You bet it is.

Have you ever noticed how people observe the same thing and have a different opinion about it?

Amazing how that works.

We have a lifetime of experiences and fears and hopes and dreams and all kinds of other emotions and insecurities that pop up in our filters. And every experience we have is passed through those filters until it settles in our consciousness and we are able to form opinions and express emotions.

And what happens when those opinions and emotions are at odds with someone else’s?

Well, that’s where a fully mature and thinking human being comes into it.

How do we reconcile someone else’s opinions and emotions with ours when they don’t agree?

I’m not sure how that works. But I experience that from time to time, and I do understand what needs to happen.

When someone I care about has a different opinion than I do on something, I find that I am immediately taken to a place where I can see their point of view – even if I don’t agree with it.

I used to think of that as patience, but maybe it’s something more. Something bigger.

To have empathy is one of our greatest virtues. And it should always be our goal if we’re having trouble getting there.

To be able to understand what someone else is feeling – even if it disagrees with what you know to be true in your own life – is the most wonderful gift you can receive.

Yep, I’m a very lucky guy. And like Forest Gump says: “And that’s all I’m going to say about that”.

So when someone you love has an opinion, it is very, very important that you see their opinion and act accordingly.

It's what love is.

It's what love does.

It's life and only pay attention. You only go around once.


Blogger Old Lady said...

Empathy and walking in another's shoes can be mind bending. This an important quality for a person to have, in my opinion.

6:52 PM  

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