Monday, April 02, 2007

Blogger Hell

Here we are during Holy Week and I feel as if I have been through blogger hell. I need to post because I have so much to say but I don't have time or energy. How's that for the perfect contradiction?

So, just to catch up. My back surgery fixed everything but it still hurts like hell where I was cut open and those titanium rods were screwed into my spine. Should last another two months or so.

Had Lasik surgery last week. Holy Shit! How cool was that? I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles. But now, I can't see ANYTHING within 12 inches. Dr. says you can trade one for the other but you can't have everything. But all I wanted was to get on my motorcycle and go-go-go without having to deal with glasses anymore. And I didn't die. I was scared enough to die, but I didn't. I MADE IT!

My mother had her OTHER leg amputated on Friday. Bummer. She has to go to the nursing home now and that's just not good. I have rented her apartment for another month so I can move all her stuff out slowly as to not make my back angry.

It sucks being the only child of an only child. But my love helps me more than I deserve. She helps in all phases of my life and if I could spend a thousand lifetimes trying to thank her for all that - it still wouldn't be enough.

Got the fence put up at the house and they are about to start building the barn as soon as the stump grinder gets through getting all the stumps out of the way from the trees we had removed.

Bought some incredible new lawn toys for this season. Got a new push mower for the edges. Got a 50" Toro zero-degree radius riding mower that I swear will do 55 mph. Got a new edger, blower, weed eater. Even got a new back. And I used all of them on Saturday and I didn't die.

When you have back surgery - your view of life changes. I now judge things not on how much I enjoy them - but on whether or not I die.

So that's all the news for now. Bought the new Neil Young Live at Massey Hall 1971 CD/DVD combo - blown away as usual. But I think now that I've spent all I can spend for a while so I think I'll just concentrate on trying to stay at work for a whole day.

So until the next time: Peace be with you.


Blogger Cup said...

So very sorry to read about your mom. How is she handling the setbacks?

I'm not Lasik-eligible ... and what you wrote makes me less jealous. One of my most beloved friends had Lasik last summer, and he's still having problems with one eye.

Hope the pain lessens for you.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Old Lady said...

I'm glad you Mom has you. I hope you heal quickly!

12:07 PM  

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