Monday, November 03, 2008

First Halloween

I'm not sure what the little ones think on their first Halloween - but it's just got to be weird. I mean, seriously, all they can do is observe life and try to imitate what goes on around them and gradually learn what to do, how to talk/walk and all that good stuff.

But WTF - I wonder what they think about being dressed up and then going to see all the other people dressed like they have never seen before.

There may be some scarring done to their self-view.

But who really cares, they're so darned cute.

So go ahead, tell the proud grandpaw how cute the baby is.

I can take it!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've often wondered about that, but it seems like they're over it by their second birthday, coz they realize-- yum CANDY!!

He is so adorable, love the pumpkin stem on his head!! Your daughter is loverly too. Tina

11:36 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

He is a cutie!

4:35 PM  

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