Friday, March 27, 2009

Needles in My Spine!

I went to the Doctor of Physical Medicine yesterday to beg to her to stick a needle in my spine and shoot me full of steroids and other stuff.

She said "yea"!!

So next Wednesday I'll get to lay down on my stomach on an x-ray table, and watch my insides quake as this chick sticks a needle as long as a skateboard into my spine and snakes it around the spinal column and hits pay dirt.

I've had this done several times and it's about as cool a thing as I've ever seen.

Well, except for my vascectomy - which was very cool - except for the part where that chick has my balls sliced open and was burning stuff that smelled like bbq.

Either way, I'm ready. I need some relief. My back surgery helped so much but I've got other disks that are squishing out around the edges and that creates pain.

Pain make you not want to exercise so much.

Not exercising makes you fatter.

Which makes your back hurt worse.

Talk about your vicious cycles!!!

So I am hoping for a little reprieve whereby I can get some numbness back there and see if I can do something to strengthen the muscles in my back which could, theorhetically make my back not hurt so much!!

See, I can be logical when I want to............

It's not much fun, but I can do it!

So if you're bored on Wednesday afternoon, come by and visit because I'll be laying on my back at home watching television wishing the versed they gave me earlier was still working.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I heard your crotchal region didn't smell at all like BBQ.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Sid said...

Keith crotch smells like bbq all right. And I don't need to explain to you what kind of kinky stuff causes that.

12:24 PM  

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