Monday, March 30, 2009


I'm tarred folks.

Or tired for those of you that are insistant on "proper" ingles'.

We had a wonderful weekend. A bunch of drunk chicks at my house doing whatever they do during their bunko sessions. I personally went out to the Purple Parrot and had some fairly amazing curried duck and a few grapefruit basil vodka's.

Then after 4 hours or so had past, I went home because I figured they would all be gone.

And boy was I right.

But it wasn't the kind of gone I had intended.

They were d-r-u-n-k kind of gone. Yet they were all still right there.

In my house.

Laughing like horses or cartoon characters.

You all know who you are.............................

Plus I was forced to park in the woods and walk through a rainfall of biblical proportions and got soaked thanks to AJ.

Thanks AJ!

Goddamn it.


Anyway, it seemed they all had a good time. Even when they piled in bed with me around midnight all giggly and shit.

So after they all did finally leave and were "officially" gone, my beautiful, talented, wonderful, amazing, best lover in the world wife decided she wanted to clean up...........

I love drunk chicks, I really do, but sometimes I just wish they would listen to reason. I told her that I would clean up the entire world in the morning if she would just come to bed and go night-night.

But never has a woman been more stubborn while drunk than the love of my life.

And so she cleaned.

I went to sleep........................

Next night, we went out to "da club" and prepared for an 80's band. But so did about 1200 other damned people. It was so crowded and hot.

But it was fun!!!

We even got to see a lesbian fight. And they ain't no fights like lesbian fights.

Oh, and yea, I'm not talking about hot lesbian chicks, I'm talking about the kind that will kick your ass.

And after 7 (yea, I counted) beers, it was time for my wife to go home!!!

Actually, I was ready to go too, so I'm not really blaming that on her!

She was dancing right where she stood because that was all anyone could do. There was no dance floor at all due to the crowded nature of the place. I have no idea what the fire marshal was doing on Saturday but I know where he should have been!

So Sunday, guess what?

Yep - we slept in!!!

And then after finally waking up and doing the Sunday chores, we got to go to the Purple Parrot for a little 4 diamond red wine tasting.

It was very much good and everyone should make sure to attend the wine expo on April 17.

You'll be sorry if you miss that one.

So back to the beginning of this post. I'm tarred.

I am ready to rest and I'm looking very much forward to Wednesday morning when they stick needles in my spine because I HAVE to spend the rest of the day laying down - flat on my back.

Doctors orders.


Hope your weekend was amazing too................



Anonymous sw said...

There were only a couple of drunk ones, the rest of us might have been tipsy. It was FUN!! I really wanted it to suck a little because it's at my house next and that's a hard act to follow.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous AJ said...

Your welcome!

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heehee-- I thought "tarred" meant tarred and feathered.

9:14 AM  

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