Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I went for the injections in my spine yesterday morning......

And believe me, that's not any fun!

Unfortunately, the medicine they give you that makes you not care about pain just doesn't work on me. I am what they call "narcotic conditioned" and I'm afraid that means just what it sounds like.

It's always been hard for me to get um, "altered".

I have a very strong constitution or whatever you call it. It takes tons of alcohol for me to get a buzz and the same is true with narcotics.

Which really sucks when they have you naked on a cold table in an operating room and you're getting huge needles stuck in your spine.

My doctor lady compensated by using lots of lydocaine for local deadening - which has the amazing ability to make your butt cheeks go completely numb. Plus you can't walk for a few hours because your legs don't work. It's the same stuff the dentist uses to numb your mouth for a filling and I'm sure you know how your mouth feels after that.......so yea, it sucks.

But I'm hopeful that all the steroids she shot me up with will work for a while and relieve some pain. Hell, she gave me 6 shots so it better do something.

Looking on the bright side of things, even if all these steroids don't help with the pain, I'll for sure be able to hit home runs for the next few weeks!!

Pray for relief.......I deserve it for something, I'm sure.



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