Monday, February 20, 2006


What is bunko and why are all these girls smiling?

It must be a right of female passage through life. It may contain certain meta-physical details that the male of the species can't begin to comprehend. It may be just an excuse to eat and drink.

The bottom line is that I have no idea and will probably never know.

I was asked to cook food for the consumption at the ritual. So I gladly prepared the food and helped clean up - in the meager manner of a man's cleaning skills.

Everything was ready, and it all looked so wonderful.

Then I was hastened out of the door into the cold night air. I went to eat with some friends of mine and then because it was only 9pm I decided to take in a movie so I could pass the time until it was safe for me to return.........

But when would that be? It's hard for us men to guess correctly at times and I just prayed that I had waited long enough. I couldn't imagine wandering up to the front door and being confronted with a visual extravaganza that could possibly scar me for life.

So finally at 11pm I went back and was greeted, very enthusiastically, by the righteous reminants.

Everything had been kind of cleaned up, the house was put back in order and the ladies seemed to be sitting there in some kind of "afterglow".

I won't report on any bizarre behavior I may or may not have witnessed out of compassion for the participants and the fear of one of them - but I will say this: Whatever happened during the evening must have been fun.

Us men may never understand completely what happens when women get together and let their hair down, but this reporter is very glad I escaped, in what now appears to be just in time and then came back after it was over.

God Bless


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