Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Know Thyself

Most of us never get closer than three feet from ourselves. We have no real interest in who we really are or why we behave as we do. We don't trust our feelings, thoughts or dreams. We are fearful that if we were to examine ourselves too closely, we would discover something terrible.

It is only when we are able to face our demons that we will be able to deal with them. We have heard the ancient philosophers and current phycho-babalists tell us to "know thyself" and it only seems so vaguely relevant, so we continue to live with a stranger - that way we can keep ourselves busy and never have to realize who we truly are.

How then, can we expect to take on responsibility for others when we have not come to grips with ourselves?

We can't hide who we are and ask popular culture to define us. And we certainly can't expect other people to love us and expect to find happiness.

We must first find our own way in this world and be comfortable in our own skin-suits before we can truly give our hearts to another and not be scared.

I am very, very happy today.

And I ain't scared no more.

So here's to you and yours - may they be as wonderful as me and mine.


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