Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Well I finally made it back. Got to the bottom of my desk and I am going to try to blog just a little better than I have been.

I spent a week in Honduras on a mission trip. I’m still very, very tired but I’m recovering. A few more six-packs and I think I’ll be there!

It is incredibly rewarding to serve those people over there. The mission was medical in nature and we ended up seeing somewhere around 4000 people. We also had a dental thing going where they pulled something in the range of 7000 teeth. That’s with just two dentists. I was careful not to shake their hands because I was afraid they would crush mine since they got so much exercise!

We had a pharmacy that filled all kinds of prescriptions. We had an eyeglass clinic where we distributed glasses for those that needed them.

But mostly, it was about serving others and allowing them to see what it means to serve Christ.

I, of course, was not allowed anywhere near anyone because I am just the cook.

I fed 73 people three huge meals a day plus snacks, drinks and other assorted housekeeping things.

It amazes me how fascinated people are when I pull off the logistical nightmare that it is when you live in the jungle for a week.

It’s easy for me. I plan well and can execute a plan so I don’t get all stressed out. But the work is very physically challenging. My back ended up hurting so bad that I wanted to die. I took a few shots of Toradol in my ass to help loosen things up.

I was blessed to go and come on the Hood’s private jet which makes my job so much easier. It sure is nice just to go to the airport and get on a plane and come straight home.

And home is exactly where I wanted to go.

Anyway, life is good. I am in love. My children are healthy. My dog loves me.

Yep, life is really good.

I pray yours is as well – and if not – just remember that you can change it. Each day we wake up we can choose our direction and our attitude.

So there’s your advice for today – Don’t be a victim of yourself.

Go forth and love, and love with all your heart because it is the only way to true freedom.



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