Thursday, June 21, 2007


I had my first "physical therapy" session today.

Let's break that down.....

Physical - having to do with our physical beings (or our body's for you less sophisticated folks)

Therapy - to work on something to make it either better or "normal"

Well, first of all - there's nothing "normal" about my back. There are some titanium rods and screws and plates and things but I don't think "normal" comes in to it at all.

That leaves the physical stuff.

So this large guy named Clint twisted me into several pretzel-type positions. Oh no, I couldn't get one of the cute girls - I got someone like me who is serious about making me scream.

But I survived.

Now all I want to do is cry.

So, sniff, I'm off to lay down.

God Bless


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can promise if you stick with it the benefits will be amazing. I endured 8 or so months of this agony, dreading it every time I went. The beads of sweat would start to trickle down my brow when I walked in the door. You will get out of it what you put in. No, it is not pleasurable, quite the opposite. I had 20% use of my right arm at the onset, and came away with 85%!

Keep up the good work and keep us "posted".

Luv u bunches! Debi

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That hurts!

...but u had no choice brave boy, bet you paid him to do that for ur back


11:41 PM  

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