Tuesday, September 30, 2008

White Wing Webels

As you all know, I'm an Obama supporter or an Obamaniac or whatever you want to call it.

I'm casting my lot with hope and a belief that experience is not leadership. I am choosing to believe in something bigger than myself and pray that what we need is a dynamic man that can rattle the cages of the smug and smote the mighty just a bit.

And yes, here in the deep, deep, deep south - I'm very much in the minority being a white boy supporting a blackish gun stealin' yankee boy.

But with all that said, the deal is that all my "friends" keep trying to convert me over to the dark side (you know, the one with the really old white guy and the hot chick that's got no business anywhere near national politics even though I'd totally bag her............)

And therefore I get every single "REAL" e-mail out there. Every "ABSOLUTE" proof that Obama is the anti-christ. Every cartoon.

And some of them make me laugh. Some because they are funny and some because it's amazing to me that intellegent people believe that bullshit.


But I got one last night that is the funniest I've ever seen so I decided to stand up and publish it for all the world to see because I believe a good one, no matter what the message is shall always be worthy of sharing!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you anyway, and you should know that color has nothing to do with it and the thought that it does is offensive to me. The idea of what he is selling is apealing, but he is not the best salesman to make the transaction. I'm a vote for the person type girl, unless I don't like either one, then it's red. I can deal with a Republican I don't care for a lot more than, as DW's grandfather (not from the south) would say, a sons a bitchin Democrat.

PS - I went to the Dan Quayle school of spelling, so get spell check on this thing.

PSS - Sam, I love you anyway too.

11:15 AM  

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