Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

At least, that’s what I tell myself each morning whether I hop out of bed or drag myself out of bed (depending on the circumstances).

You see, life really is all in the attitude.

At least, I truly believe that our QUALITY of life is all in the attitude.

I am surrounded by examples of positive stuff all the time.

Case in point. We have some very good friends that have a long awaited baby. The baby came yesterday and there was something wrong. The mother’s antibodies were eating the baby’s platelets and his blood wouldn’t clot and there was much fear that his organs and brain could bleed out. They had to airlift the baby to the neonatal super-duper-fix-it-up center in the State Capitol.

Everyone was freaking out.

Everyone that is, except the mom.

That incredibly beautiful and immensely talented lady was calm as a cucumber and knew that everything would be all right.

In other words, she had FAITH.

And yes, you can stop holding your breath – everything is going to be all right. All of us got some extra prayer time in but the baby is going to be fine. And little Thomas has more hair on his head at 2 days old than I ever had.

Life is beautiful. Or at least, it can be.

So even as my heart sunk as I heard of the problems with the baby – the reaction of the mother allowed me to be of good cheer instead of having my stomach all balled up in a knot.

And it doesn’t have to be “big” things. Even the simple act of getting up and going to work can bring us joy. If you find yourself in a rut, just look up someone you know that doesn’t have a job and then check to see if you are fortunate or not.

I’m guilty as the rest of the world of sometimes wallowing in my own woes. But in reality I live a very, very charmed life.

I am now MARRIED to the woman of my dreams (pinch me, I may still be dreaming). I have two wonderful kids, even if one of them is preggers when she shouldn’t be and is living under some serious delusions right now.

I know deep down that all I have to do is to love my people and be there for them and no matter what happens, it will be all right in the end.

So hug someone today.

You’ll have to excuse me now, I’m going to dance like no one is watching (and thank God that I’m doing that in my big corner office where no one CAN see me – because I dance just like a white boy!)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, that girl does have some faith, just to put it all into God's hands and say "here, you take care of it". Wow. DD

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are my inspiration.

Thank you for all your positive-ness!

And you are a lucky boy indeed.

Peace, Debi

11:35 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

I am quite sure that the only reason I was "cool as a cucumber" is because of the many, many friends and loved ones lifting us up in prayer. Prayer begets faith, and even though I could barely pray, I knew that God was good and worthy of my trust. Somehow. Now I've got this big kid passed out on my lap, and all the scariness feels very far away! Thanks for loving on us - I can't wait to eat that BBQ!!

And I can't tell you how excited I am that you are a married man! Your love story is so beautiful.

8:27 AM  

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