Friday, January 04, 2008

There Will Be Blood

Well, after yesterday, the campaign is now in full swing.

Are you ready to be dazzled with bullshit and have softballs thrown at you for you to smack over the fence?

It hasn't really even started and I'm already tired of it.

So before I launch into a political sermon, I just wanted to say that I think Obama-mania is good for America.

No one knows what he stands for and what he will do - but at least he's saying all the right things such as "out with the old and in with the new".

The old is so very bad.

I don't know if we fully appreciate the march backwards we have been engaged in since Bill jizzed all over Monica's dress.

Poor George, who seems like such a likeable knucklehead but just can't put one foot in front of the other has ruined our standing in the free world.

Whoever takes over will face a recession and more fence building than can be done in a reasonable time period. We are about to be mired in something we don't like. I can promise you that.

Huckabee seems like a likeable fellow - but it's hard to trust a baptist preacher from where I sit. We don't need anyone else meddling in the government/religion stuff. That needs to be left alone to settle out while cooler head prevail.

Historically, the nation held it's breath while Catholic boy JFK was elected - wondering if the Pope would rule our country. Which was stupid to even consider in hindsight. JFK had the rock star thing going for him that allowed him to rise above all that.

And that's what I hang my hat on about Obama. He seems to have that thing - charisma or whatever you want to call it that give people hope.

Just like Slick Willy did.

I've never quite understood that stuff but I do know that Bill Clinton can speak and make you believe in something. It's quite amazing.

And isn't that what we need?

Isn't that what the world needs?

Belief is the biggest thing we have going for us. With belief there will be effort in the process which in itself will bring results.

So many things rely on that. Our monetary system relies on the world's faith that the US Dollar is rock solid. It ain't backed by gold at Ft. Knox anymore, ya know? It's all about what the world thinks that drives our economy.

And the world don't think so much of us right now.

You want to see oil prices go way up? Just see if the dollar falls more and the world oil markets start using the EuroDollar for it's currency. You won't believe how fast those digits will rise.

See, look what you've done - I'm in full on political/philisophical mode now.............

Anyway, I tire of these campaigns. I hate the negative adds and they'll be a comin'.

I truly believe that if we as Americans just said STOP, maybe they would. I don't know. There is so much money tied up in this stuff, maybe we can't stop.

But we can hope.

And we can certainly believe.

So let's try real hard to believe that change is coming and it's going to be better and see if maybe, in our own lives, we can start to make a difference there.

Change a heart, change a life.

That's my new slogan.

Come join me.



Blogger Sid said...


We disagree on many points of polictics. That is why I am glad we are friends and not political allies.

4:15 PM  

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