I spend yesterday doing some of my favorite things with my most favorite person in the whole wide world.
We showed up at Sideline’s at 10:30am to participate in a Poker Run to start the benefit for Mike “Big Daddy Blue” Chambliss.
Big Daddy was a local musician who was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer less than 2 weeks ago.
He died just a few hours after we started the benefit………but he would have liked the party going on for him and I like to think that this way, he even got to see it for himself!
To see the musicians on stage talk about him and break down and cry made for a very emotionally charged atmosphere. Music, at its core is emotional anyway, but to add this type of meaning on top of that was something to behold. Truly it was.
But as usual, I’m getting way ahead of myself.
We started the poker run and went to a few bars and had a libation or three. The nature of a poker run is to get a card at each place you stop and at the end, whoever has the best poker hand is declared the winner.
Guess who pulled 3 aces……..yep, me!!
You see, I’m the luckiest som-bitch in the world. I have the woman of my dreams as my wife and I can also pull aces out of a deck with regularity. The truth is, “ I am the man”!
Of course, I donated the winnings back to the benefit because , well, it was a benefit and that’s what we are called to do.
Anyway, we finally got back to Sidelines on my bike and it was time to go home and take a nap. That is very important for a Sunday afternoon.
My baby needs her rest and it’s my job to make sure she gets it.
Sometimes that means I have to shush up little giggly girls but this time it meant taking her home on the motorcycle and putting her in the bed for a few hours!!
When she got up, we showered and got all decked out in our finest club clothes (and wow, did she look awesome!) and went back out. We got there just as her favorite, crotch tingling musician got on stage for his set.
If you haven’t seen Wes Lee play a set, it’s something to behold. The man has stage presence and he literally throws everything he has into each performance.
I enjoy his shows so much. And he had so many “guest” musicians including Dusty Chambliss, Big Daddy’s son playing guitar with him. There were horns, saxophones and every kind of guitar you’ve ever seen. It was quite a show.
There were a total of 7 bands that played for 11 hours and everyone donated their time and talents to making sure that this thing went off in a big way.
There we auctions of all kinds of stuff. Hell, I bought a 4-foot long broad sword that Conan the Barbarian would be proud to swing around!!
Anyway, it was great to see an entire community come together to literally celebrate the life of one of our great musicians and it was a fine thing to see.
It was one of those community events that makes you proud to be a part of the kind of community that puts on stuff like this.
I love my life.