
Absolutely amazing.....USM beats undefeated Houston (ranked #6) 49 - 28 in the Conference USA Championship.
Now most of you know that I don't give a rat's ass about football these days - just grew out of it, I guess. Or maybe I just got too used to living with the mediocre football we've been playing since the "hay-day" when I was in school from 1979-1983.
But the football team we had this year was simply amazing in so many respects.
The one respect that we were not amazing in was the one that in the HELL DO WE LOSE TO MARSHALL AND UAB with a team that could do what it did this past weekend?
I know it's a long season and it's hard to get up for each game.....and I'll even forgive the Marshall defeat since it was only the second game and was truly before we hit our stride and we all realized that we have something special this year.
But the UAB loss quite frankly just puzzles me. They should not have even been on the field with us and we got beat in every facet of the game. Then we come back the next week and destroy poor, hapless Memphis.
I can truly say that I did not expect to win against Houston. The same Houston that was averaging almost 53 points a game. The Houston that was going to pull our shittly little conference out of the bottom and get us some decent press for the first time in a LONG TIME.
And yet there we were, not only winning......but kicking their ass!!
It was truly remarkable.
And I'm very sad that we don't get to go play in the Liberty Bowl this year. It's a shame that the Liberty Bowl will take the 9th place SEC team instead of the conference champion that is ranked.
But that's the problem with being a Mickey Mouse school in a Mickey Mouse conference.
None-the-less I am very proud of our football team and I certainly hope they have a great time in Hawaii at the Aloha Bowl. Them and the 200 or so USM fans that will surely make the trip!!