Guns, Guns and more Guns.......

There is a gun show this weekend at the multipurpose center.
And of course, I'll be there with bells on!
I often wonder about these gun shows because they truly are one of the most diverse and culturally unusual events that I've ever been to.
And I absolutely love them.
All boys love guns. But not all boys have turned that love in the right direction and got em some!
Sure, sure.....almost all boys will have a shotgun from grandpa or an old .22 rifle from days gone by.
But I'm talking about cool stuff.
You know the "BLACK RIFLES" and the old west guns and the police stuff and the machine guns and, and, and.....what about a big old Conan sword? (what you gonna do with that.......who care's - it's SO COOL!)
See how it goes?
And at the gun shows you'll see it all. And I do mean ALL.
This time I'm not even talking about the guns and stuff but the folks you will see there.
You've gots yer rednecks (those of the "hey ya'll - watch this" fame) and you've got every kind of law enforcement officer and then your soldiers and lots of lawyers and doctors - heck, I even saw a damned brain surgeon at the last one! So yea, really all kinds of people.
And the one thing that unites them is their love of guns.
The one thing that seperates them is, of course, disposable income.
You see, folks with mo' money have lots mo' guns!
And I don't mean to infer that it's all boys either....there are lots and lots of girls that love's just that they scare me so I don't know anything about them!
I'm still not sure about the allure of guns. For my own part....I don't hunt. Ever. I figure as long as they sell meat at the grocery store them I'm OK!
Nor could I imagine shooting anyone - although I am certianly sure that if me or my family were threatened I would not be having an internal monolog nor a debate as I emptied my tactical shotgun(s), then the double 30 round clips of the AR15, then the 45acp 1911 and all it's clips (8) and then 6 or 7 assorted wheel guns with the speed loaders and hollow I'm sure that would be true.
So I don't really have any idea what the allure is but I'm telling you that holding a gun is the most, um, boy-est thing ever.
I don't know if it was all those years of playing cowboys and indians or too many violent Clint Eastwood movies in the early 70's or what. But I LOVE GUNS.
And if you do too, holla back at me I'll take you down there and show you the ropes!
Well, the rope thing is figurative.....what I mean is that I'll show you how to get around in the show and what to look for and who to buy from..........they don't really have any "ropes" down there. Seriously, it's mostly guns, knives, ammo and stuff - so yea, the ropes things was definately figurative.
(I had to make that disclaimer because all of my S&M church friends would want to go and see the new "ropes" if I didn't clarify)