Sex Way Out In The Country

Well, the day finally arrived.
No, not for me. I really don't care. But my wife has been looking forward to this since she was 16 years old.
Or at least that's how long it feels like she's been excited about this.
So tonight, I get to:
1. Welcome 20 chicks to my house to get all liquored up before going to see this here movie at 9pm.
2. Cook some appetizers, but not too many because my wife hates it when I cook because By God she can cook too and doesn't need my help......................
3. Serve some 420 cosmopolitans and 184 glasses of sangria and no telling how much other stuff.
4. Walk around serving these drinks and appetizers that she has prepared (because I'm not allowed to cook - much) with a sign on my crotch that reads Mr. Big.
Yes Dear Readers, I will be seriously awash in estrogen tonight so if there are prayers within you, please dish them out for me.
I will truly be the lone ranger tonight so I'll take whatever I can get.
But don't feel sorry for me. I may act like I am complaining but seriously, what dude would not pay a hefty cover charge to be the only boy in a house full of girls all dressed up and drunk.
So before you think I'm in need of pity - just know that I'll be like ole Briar Rabbit - "Please don't throw me in that briar patch"....................!!!