Monday, June 30, 2008
I was watching the Olympic Trials in swimming last night and it finally hit me that I'm old.
Old, old, old.
I could still feel the familiar emotions while watching last night but they were so far away and the performances I watched were foreign to me.
That may not mean much to most of you and you probably have no idea what I'm talking about so I'll explain a bit..............
That was me on the starting blocks. It was me concentrating on exploding off the blocks and hitting the water in the perfect position to pop up and take the first stroke that would put me a head in front of the guy to my right.
It was the smell of the chlorine in the air and the humidity in my lungs. It was the adrenaline pumping through my body.
But it was so far away I could barely perceive it.
I heard Rowdy Gaines commentating on TV and remembered swimming in the lane next to him realizing that he was a God and I was a mere mortal trying to knock him off his throne. (never happened, by the way - oh, I did swim against him several times - just never knocked him off his throne!)
I was a swimmer. At one time, I was THE swimmer. At least in these parts and certainly in my heart and soul. It was who I WAS.
I had qualified to swim in the Olympic Trials in 1980. Didn't go because I had no hope of making it, but I qualified to try. Of course, as it turned out, President Carter crushed lots of those Olympic dreams in 1980 but that's another matter............
And competing at that high level gets in your blood and you feel different. You feel amazing. There is nothing like stepping up to compete when you are at the top of your game.
Then you get on with life and you still feel it, you just can't do it anymore. Then it gets farther and farther away. It's always still there, it's just harder to get in touch with it.
Then came the point last night when I realized that it was just simply gone and I was nothing more than an interested spectator.
And for some reason, it just hit me.
I'm old.
But life is great like that. It's all about chapters. I left that chapter long ago and even though it was so engrained in me that it still felt real, it's been a long, long time since I was that good.
Granted, I did masters swimming and as recently as age 38 I was ranked towards the top of the heap, it was not nearly at the level it used to be. It was old man swimming.
Now there is no swimming at all and I need to change that.
I love my life. I am so in love with my wife that it makes all other things in my life pale in comparison, but I think I need that other edge to remind myself of what excellence used to mean in my life. Something that set me apart from everyone else.
So I think I'll get back to it.
After my stomach bug last week I found the determination to start eating better and have lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks. Need to get off about 50 more.
So I think I'll go forward, one step at a time and put aside my unrealistic rememberances and just try to do the best I can.
Isn't that all any of us can do?
Come join me.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's like Christmas around here today...........................
My baby's coming home!
Yea for me.
I got to see her for a few hours last weekend after she returned from Injun Country but then she was off again. It's been 13 days of lonely sleeping in a big empty bed.
But now, it's over and she's back.
So I celebrate today and the feelings of calm and satisfaction that seem to be washing over me like waves in the ocean.
Which is much better than it was earlier in the week when I was afflicted with a stomach virus that pretty much just kicked my ass.
Wasn't hungry Sunday evening when I fixed a wonderful dinner for my children. We had steaks and shrimp pasta and other yummy stuff and I just really didn't want anything to eat so I just had a drink or two and visited.
Got up Monday morning for work and didn't feel well. Threw up and other good stuff and felt a little better so I went in to work a few hours late. Stayed about an hour when I realized that I had no business there. Went back home and just layed around. Went to sleep about 4pm and slept until 6 the next morning when I got up and went immediately to the couch to lay back down.
I have no idea what it was or where I got it, but it flat out kicked me in the teeth.
Woke up Wednesday and felt fine. Well, I was a LITTLE weak! But whatever it was, it did it's thing and then went on to wherever these things go.
I, for one, was glad to see it go.
Still haven't eaten much but that's not a bad thing either.
So that's all the news that is news. All I need to do now is to take my lady in my arms and hold on tight.
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Personality DNA
It's a very cool Personality DNA test that has you choosing images and at the end give you a profile based upon your choices.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Musings from the Bastion of Bachelorhood
Because what I want is for her to come home from her trip.........................
Went yesterday to pick up a motorcycle from a friend of mine. It's an old Harley that I am considering buying but I wanted to borrow it for a while to see if it would suit my needs.
It wouldn't crank.
Karma? Someone trying to tell me something?
I really love our house.
It's weird to me because I guess I've never had a house that I could love. I'm not even sure that it's OK to love a house. It seems to violate all kinds of things that go against my grain.
But at the end of the day, I really, really love our house.
Father's Day was wonderful. I got to take my father-in-law out to lunch and we did the old people's thing at the Crackle Barrel (as Nicole calls it). We both had the meatloaf - which I guess says something about both of us!
He's a wonderful man and I am just crazy about him and my mother-in-law.
My kids came over last night and we cooked and had a nice visit.
The only thing missing from my father's day was, well, my father.
I still miss him terribly and I guess that never goes away. It's been 13 years and it really hasn't gotten much easier on the missing him thing.
Did I mention that I miss my wife?
I'm supposed to be a big boy and suck it up (as Sallie and AJ and Tina always tell me) but damn it, life's too short - I miss her!
People get married for lots of reasons. I guess I'm lucky in that I got married because I love this girl more than I love breathing. I want to spend time with her and all of that is magnified when she is gone because..................seriously, did I mention that I miss my wife?
My wife's brother and his wife and his kid came to visit this weekend. He only comes about once a year to visit and it's good when he does. I think family is very important. I guess coming from an only child of an only child, I think siblings are wonderful and should be exploited as much as possible.
Of course, when he comes down it's always project time. This time he put a new roof and lean to on the shed out in the back yard. One of those things that I should have done but didn't/wouldn't/couldn't.
Poppie is in no shape for any of that and as bad as I don't want to admit it, neither am I. Roofing is not so good for my back which I'm really still trying to be careful with.
But I felt guilty about not doing it. And have for months now.
But at least I did buy all the stuff to do it with and all involved seemed to be very happy about my role in the deal.
I guess we all have a place.
I can't do all the stuff that I used to but now I can do other things that would have been impossible earlier in life. Like buy things!!!
Just goes to show you that God is Good!
My grandson is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm sure that all grandparents feel that way. But mine really is!!! He's just a cute, good-natured baby.
It's just that his daddy is in the big house and his momma works at a gas station....................
I wonder if I can buy him?
I love my step-children as I love my own. And that makes me very happy. I'm not sure if you have a choice in things like that. I think you probably do up to a point, but it's as natural as anything for me to love them.
I have a toothache. It hurts and my face is swollen.
Well, this experiment in randomness is over. I hope you all enjoyed seeing into the vast expanses of my brain. This is what it's really like in my head. I routinely think of 237 things each second. I like it like that. Never boring.
May peace find you today.
That's my prayer for everyone.
And please pray that my missing wife and her mission team that is ministering to all the little Navajo children are not only a blessing to those poor people, but are truly blessed in the giving of themselves.
Ever notice how mission and missing sound almost the same?
I miss my wife.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Important Announcement
It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one.
Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink.
Pepsi will market the new concoction by thename of: MOUNT & DO.
Laid Back and Wasted
Wife is leaving Friday and will be gone for two weeks.
See husband be sad.
I have lived a full life full of self awareness and gratitude for so many blessings. I'm one of those kind of people that have always just known how lucky they were.
My favorite part of my relationship with my wife is that I get to be with her.
Don't have to do anything - just be with her.
Kind of soak her up through osmosis.
I want to go home in the evenings because she is there.
I want to wake up in the morning because she is there.
I want to - well, um, oh yea, I want to do that too........
But she's going away.
One week on a mission trip out to the hinterlands of the Navajo Nation and upon her return, she's off for a week of meetings at a conference.
So if you look for me in the next few weeks - I'll be sitting on the front porch, just waiting.
Come join me if you like, but I'll be waiting for her to come home.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Yep, the hatchet man himself.
I did a double take, then a triple take. Then I punched my wife and pointed.
It's what happens when you see someone famous (or infamous depending on your views......).
It was a wonderful sermon on the reason people in power always get it wrong. Jesus pissed off all the religious leaders because he didn't do what THEYthought he was supposed to do.
And as I listened I couldn't help but think about how the man right across the aisle from me used the system so sucessfully to have the ends justify the means.
And it made me sad. Sad for so many things that probably don't matter to many people because we're all so buy living our lives that we don't worry about the things that probably matter so much more.
After the sermon, I smiled, shook his hand and didn't say a word. Which is how we all live our lives for the most part.
He is married to the sister of a friend of mine and he was in town visiting. Not stalking anyone anymore or throwing down the thunder on those from the other side. I would imagine that he will slide quietly into the pundit chair and give wisdom on observations from a life in the "trenches".
Either way, it was just sad for me to look over there and realize that you can turn that kind of stuff on or off depending on where you are or how you feel.
I spent some time looking up stuff on the web and ciphered on the Winkipeida entry on him.
You should check that out. Pretty amazing stuff.
So that was our excitment on a sleepy Sunday in small town America.
Hope yours was just as interesting!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Estrogen Finally Dissipating
So yea, I should explain that one - our hot cat woman dressin' associate preacher's wife (the little Vietnamese Vixen in front right of photo) called to say that their daughter was sick so she was going to bring her and her husband to the party. I told her no boys were allowed unless they wore a dress. So he showed up in a little black dress - size 10 no less!!!

Seriously - she doesn't know yet that you never grow up!

And here is me, lucky boy, as the recipent of all thing holy. Due in large part the the thirtysomethingth cosmopolitan, I'm sure - but I'll take it however I can get it.