I Have Gas!!!

As a finance major, I understand markets. I understand the supply and demand theory and how it affects all of us on a daily basis. I understand the futures market since we play with that at work every day.
Yea, I understand all of that.
I’m also against government interference in business matters unless it relates to diplomacy or national security. I truly believe that the private sector can manage itself much better than any government oversight or bloated army of stuffed suits looking over someone’s shoulder.
This oil thing is getting way out of hand.
Not big on conspiracy theories, but have to admit that it surely seems as if we have sold our collective souls to Big Oil. And our government seems to be complicit in these matters through the lack of regulation and the apparent blind eye that is turned towards the profits that are being made.
Refinery capacity and increased demand in China has sent the price of crude oil spiraling and that translates into higher gasoline prices at the pump.
But the jobbers are getting rich too.
The oil companies are so very flush with cash – which in the current environment in Washington, DC translates into more and more lobbying – which seemingly guarantees that Big Oil can continue down the path of rape and pillaging the consumer.
Do you have any idea what’s going to happen when (not if) a hurricane comes into the Gulf of Mexico and disrupts drilling or threatens the refineries around Houston?
We’re talking European prices – maybe $6-7 per gallon.
Then we’ll see what the Republicans do………..
OK, sorry for the rant. I’m just in shock.
On to more happy matters – does anyone have the new Rush CD entitled “Snakes and Arrows”? It’s pretty damned good.
Starts off strong with a song called “Far Cry”. Neil Pert wrote all the lyrics and he’s about a cool a guy as I’ve ever seen. Motorcyclist just like me. Rides his bike from concert to concert. What a life. Anyway, the lyrics are wonderful on this CD and here’s a sample from “Far Cry”:
Pariah dogs and wondering madmen
Barking at strangers and speaking in tongues
The ebb and flow of tidal fortune
Electrical changes are charging up the young
It’s a far cry from the world we thought we’d inherit
It’s a far cry from the way we thought we’d share it
You can almost feel the current flowing
You can almost see the circuits blowing
One day I feel I’m on top of the world
And the next it’s falling in on me
I can get back on………
One day I feel I’m ahead of the wheel
And the next it’s rolling over me
I can get back on……….
Whirlwind life of faith and betrayal
Rise in anger, fall back and repeat
Slow degrees on the dark horizon
Full moon rising, lays silver at your feet
You can almost see the circle growing
You can almost feel the planets glowing
One day I fly through a crack in the sky
And the next it’s falling on me
I can get back on
I can get back on………….
So maybe you can see how this “higher rock” can trigger the thoughts of geopolitical suicide that I’m thinking we’re in right now.
I pray for a better tomorrow.
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